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How Can I Keep My Furnace Running Smoothly and Efficiently?


In Canada, heating represents 61% of your home energy use and offers the most potential for cutting down utility costs. An inefficient furnace can increase your energy bills, but what if your furnace is newer? Why isn't it running smoothly?

Chances are, you haven't serviced your furnace enough. Furnace maintenance can help you prevent these problems and prepare your system for Hamilton winters. Keep reading to learn more.

How to Keep Your Furnace Efficient

Furnace maintenance is the best way to keep your furnace running smoothly and efficiently. Not only does this save money on utility bills, but it can improve the performance of your system for better indoor comfort.

When you opt for maintenance, a technician can remedy minor issues to avoid major furnace problems, like breakdowns, during the heating season.

The cost of regular maintenance is much less than having to make HVAC renovations because you neglected your furnace.

What Is Included in Furnace Maintenance?

A furnace maintenance checklist covers essential care for all furnace components. A thorough maintenance plan involves the following services:

  • Lubricating motor bearings and other moving parts

  • Testing the exhaust system, ignition system, carbon monoxide levels, and system controls

  • Inspecting the heat exchanger, condensate drain, and thermostat

  • Checking fan belt tension, oil or gas line connections, and voltage and currents

  • Tightening all electrical connections

  • Cleaning the furnace interior and exterior and burner

  • Changing the air filter

  • Verifying and adjusting gas pressure

Even if you have what seems to be a functioning furnace, it's important to get a tune-up every year. Your furnace will experience wear and tear during the heating system.

If you skip maintenance, you might notice an issue when you turn on your furnace `next Fall.

How to Do Regular Maintenance on a Furnace: DIY vs. Professional

Unmaintained furnaces have more repair needs and may lead to a premature breakdown. If you neglect furnace maintenance, you risk less comfort, higher energy bills, and frequent repair costs.

Furnace maintenance can help extend the life of your heating system.

It's important to hire a professional for furnace maintenance and furnace problems. Many manufacturers require your furnace to have regular maintenance from a qualified technician to uphold the warranty.

However, there are things you can do at your Hamilton home to take care of your furnace, such as:

  • Investing in a regular maintenance plan

  • Checking your air filter monthly and changing it as needed

  • Keep objects away from your outdoor condenser unit

  • Remove dust and debris from your furnace components

Heating your house with a safe and efficient furnace should be a priority, so always call a professional from Aire One Heating & Cooling when you need them.

Find a Furnace Contractor in Hamilton

Even if your furnace seems to be working fine, it doesn't mean there isn't an underlying issue. If you skip furnace maintenance one year to avoid spending money, you might end up paying big bucks for repairs.

Regular maintenance from furnace contractors in Hamilton can keep your system running smoothly and efficiently during the cold weather season.

If you need a furnace tune-up, call Aire One Heating & Cooling to find a reputable contractor. Our team of technician specialists has over 29 years of experience using advanced equipment to repair and maintain your furnace.

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